4 Tips For Getting Your Body In Shape After You’ve Had A Baby

After you've had a baby, you may find yourself wondering how you'll get your pre-pregnancy body back. Exercise is a great way to lose those extra pounds, but it can be hard to find time to exercise when you're busy with a new baby. Here are some tips to help you get back in shape.

Don't Expect Quick Changes

You may want to get rid of the extra weight right away, but it is important that you let your body heal properly before embarking on an exercise program after you've had your baby. Even if you were an avid gym-goer before you delivered, you need to be sure to ease back into exercise and don't exert yourself too much right away. Listen to your body and lose weight gradually, so that you remain as healthy as possible.

Go for Brisk Walks

If you're like a lot of people, you may think you need to jump on a treadmill or head to the gym to get a proper workout. However, getting exercise after you have your baby can be as simple as walking. Settle your baby in a stroller, and you can easily walk a few miles around the neighborhood. To make sure you're getting in a good workout, be sure to keep a brisk pace.

Team Up with Other New Moms

If you've got another friend who has just had a baby, you can swap babysitting duty so that you can each have some time to hit the gym. Don't have any friends with babies? Join a local parenting group to meet new moms in the area. You can even check for groups online, so that you can hook up with other mothers who want to exercise. You can all take turns keeping an eye on the babies while the other moms do a quick workout.

Hire a Personal Trainer

Hiring a personal trainer can be a smart way to make sure you exercise. A personal trainer serves as someone who can keep you accountable for your actions; you won't be able to slack off or stop early, because your trainer will make sure that you get a full session of exercise done. Your trainer will also ensure that you're doing the right kind of exercise, so that you can start seeing the results that you want. 

A personal trainer works around your schedule, which can be helpful after you've had a baby. Simply schedule your personal training sessions for a time when your spouse or a relative is sure to be able to stay with your baby.

Now that you have some ideas for getting exercise after you've had your baby, start using the suggestions above. You'll soon find that you're able to exercise more often, and you'll soon be at your pre-pregnancy size.
