All You Should Know About Buying A Weight Rack For Your Garage

Close to 2 billion adults are considered overweight or obese. This is about more than just how you look and feel —being overweight means you are also more susceptible to heart disease, high blood pressure, and poor mental health. Ordering a weight rack and getting it set up in your garage makes it easier to curb these problems since you don't have to worry about going to the gym. Here's what you should know about buying and using a weight rack. 

Look for a weight room rack that has bench press and squats

A weight rack and other equipment can cost over $1,000 when it's all said and done. The possibilities of a home gym are endless, but you should focus on one that lets you do bench press and squats. Bench pressing is an important exercise for building your chest and shoulders. 

Because squats are a compound exercise that works your legs to exhaustion, you'll be able to build more testosterone after a few gym workouts. In fact, squatting gives you about 17% more testosterone production than you'll get from leg presses. 

Attach a pull-up bar to the weight room rack to get some total-body strength gains

When you purchase your weight room rack, make sure that you attach an optional pull-up bar to it. This can give you some incredible health benefits. 

Doing pull-ups regularly will get you stronger than you can imagine. It forces you to have total body control and balance that you don't always get with weight training. Be sure to learn the proper techniques for pull-ups, rather than chin-ups, because pull-ups work more muscles in your chest, neck, back, and core, while chin-ups mostly work your biceps. These calisthenics boost your grip strength, which helps with every other exercise in the weight room. 

What's more, you'll get improvements in your total-body strength and you will improve your cardiovascular health, all while losing weight. This is an exercise that will give you incredible muscle endurance that carries over into every part of your health. 

Make it easy to store your weights and keep adding onto your gym setup as needed. Pair your rack with a spot to place your plates and dumbbells, and add some kettlebells and free weights to add to your home gym little by little. 

These tips will help you get the most from your weight room rack so that you can train at home. 
